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What Is Site Build It?
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Is an SBI Website in Your Future?
You might be wondering what IS Site Build It if you have been on the site long. And what makes an SBI website? Get the answers on this page...

I talk about the Site Build It platform all over this website. In fact, this website is mainly aimed at its users, although even non-SBI users may glean some nuggets of information from the many tutorials that reside on this site. But I built this website for the SBI community primarily.
So if you're wondering what the heck Site Build It really is... is it a site builder? Is it a niche-finder? Is it a content management system?... Well, I'm going to do my best to answer all those questions and probably a few more in this section of the site.
After all, I love SBI and I want to spread the word to as many other people as I can that this is a product that will FINALLY help you achieve your online e-business dreams. No lie, and no hype. Just the facts, m'am/sir... 
SBI... Site Build It... Which Is It?

Thought I'd start with an explanation of the name of this product. Historically, it was always named "Site Build It", but since that's kind of a long name, people called it SBI for short. Unfortunately, there are other companies and products called SBI, so it has led to some confusion.
On the other hand, the name Site Build It is a bit misleading, as I've said, because SBI is so much more than a site builder. It's actually a whole suite of tools for achieving eBusiness success.
So, a little while back, the company decided to divest itself for the most part from the SiteBuildIt! name and just call the product, SBI. Problem is, once you've established a successful brand, it's hard to change it up.
However, on this website, I will sometimes call Site Build It by the SBI abbreviation and sometimes write out the old name. Partly because people are still searching on the both terms and I want them to be able to find the free information here. Partly because if I use the full name too much, the search engines will think I am trying to do something shady, like keyword stuffing, which I'm definitely NOT.
A Short SBI History...
SiteBuildIt! (they do love their exclamation points at Sitesell) was developed by a man named Ken Evoy and his company, Sitesell. Ken is a former emergency room doctor who found tremendous success online with penny stocks and board games.
His original products were eBooks that told you how to make a successful website. I had to buy them, but they're given away for free these days, which is a terrific value, if you want to check them out:
- Make Your Site Sell – The original "go to" book on how to make a successful website that earns money.
- Make Your Knowledge Sell – A primer on taking what you know and love and using it to create an informational content website.
- Make Your Words Sell – How to write for the Web. Essential reading for every new webmaster!
- Make Your Content Pre-Sell – Aimed at affiliate marketers, this book teaches you how to avoid the hype and lead your prospects ever-so-gently to the sale.
- Make Your Price Sell – How to price the products you sell online, complete with sophisticated software.
- Make Your Net Auctions Sell – Long to sell on sites like eBay? This book will help you sell what you put up on auction.
But anyway, Sitesell eventually rolled out a platform, tool, or whatever you want to call it, that would actually help you build a successful website, not just tell you how to do it. They called it Site Build It and it's been around for more than 10 years now, improving all the time.
The company and product have never been more solid and there are thousands of other happy users just like me, not to mention a ton of successful SBI websites all over the world.
OK... But What IS Site Build It?

That's what you're asking, right? OK, OK... I hear you! 
But I think I've been stalling, because it's a little hard to explain. You see... Site Build It is so many things.
The name itself is misleading, because it is so much more than a sitebuilder. Sure, SBI helps you build a website, but it does a lot more than that... if I had to describe it in one sentence, I guess I'd have to call it a business building platform. But, what does that mean?
Well, it gives you ALL the tools you need to search out a niche of hungry buyers... to design and build a unique website that is accessible and usable to most web visitors... to attract tons of free search engine traffic... and to make money by helping your visitors find the resources and tools they are looking for.
Plus, Site Build It enables you to build a community of people like you with common interests, passions or life experiences, whether your site is about golden retrievers or tea tree oil or Acadia National Park. And, SBI lets you do all that even if you don't have any technical skills or experience at all going in. It's truly something anyone can use, provided you're willing to learn new skills, put in the time and work hard.
If I had to use only one phrase to define Site Build It, I think I'd say...
What's Included

To be honest, if I want to prevent this page from getting ridiculously long... if it's not already!... I can't go into it all here, simply because SO MUCH is included... and they keep adding more every few months. And the price hasn't been raised in years, despite the fact that its value has probably increased by a factor of about 1000% over that time.
You can find a complete explanation of everything you get with Site Build It here. But let me try to boil it down to a few bullet points...
- Site Builder. You DO get a web-based site building platform. You can also create your pages offline and upload them to the Sitesell servers.
- Keyword Brainstormer & Niche Selection Tool. This powerful tool has EVERYthing you need to work with keywords and to prepare your site for the search engines (so that you'll actually get traffic).
- Tons of Add-On Modules. Way too many to list here, but a few are a form builder, ezine mailer, and an RSS feed builder.
- eBusiness Education. It's not as easy to make money on the Web as many shysters would have you believe. Site Build It provides a solid education in success principles. They teach you how to do it the right way.
- Tons of Support. Besides all the written and video learning materials, SBI maintains an ever-expanding learning library of helpful tips articles, written both by staff and by SBI users. They also have the best "help and be helped" forums I've ever seen. If you don't succeed with Site Build It, it is NOT because the help wasn't there to assist you!
In Summary...
The answer to "What is Site Build It?" is pretty complicated, as you've seen. It's a site builder, an e-Business sucess system... and so much more! I highly recommend it, but if you want to read my more detailed review on my blog, here it is: The Real Site Build It Review
Answers to More SBI Questions
- What makes it so special compared to other similar products?
- What can I do with an SBI website?
- Is what I heard about it being a scam true?
- How can I learn more about it?
- How do I go about ordering it?
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